Small colored decorative wave facing down Small colored decorative wave facing up
Completely Built Lego® Set of Dinosaur Fossils: T. rex Skull
Retail Box of Lego® Set of Dinosaur Fossils: T. rex Skull

Dinosaur Fossils: T. rex Skull

Product information

Jurassic World

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Set Type

Small Set

Small Set

This set can be rented with the Brick Lite Plan, the Brick Explorer Plan, the Brick Expert Plan & the Brick Legend Plan. Plans for this set start at $40 a month or $384 a year with 20% savings. Find Out More

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Additional details

Icon of balloons representing a age for the set 9+
Single tall brick representing the count of bricks in Lego set 577
Original Price
Dollar sign representing the retail cost of a Lego set 39.99
Set Number
Release Year
Retired By Lego®

We cover ALL shipping for this rental, seriously!

All Lego® sets provided by our service come with the added benefit of complimentary shipping, ensuring no extra costs for you when receiving or returning the sets. This hassle-free approach to shipping, both to your doorstep and back to our facilities, enhances your experience by making it more convenient and cost-effective.

We ship to all 50 US states, but we do not ship internationally at this time. Explanation of Shipping Costs.

You can keep the Lego® set for as long as you want while paying your subscription. You are limited by the number of sets you have purchased per month. Return your set to receive your next set.

Ideally, we'd love to include physical instruction manuals with every set. However, this isn't always feasible due to their susceptibility to wear and tear, hygiene concerns, and the additional shipping costs they incur, particularly for larger sets. Fortunately, Lego® offers convenient alternatives to access the building instructions.

Digital Instruction Booklets

Lego® provides digital versions of their instruction manuals. By visiting their website and entering the set number, you can easily download a PDF of the instructions for your specific set.

Building Instructions

Interactive Building Guide

For a more interactive experience, you can use the free Lego® Builder app available on both Apple and Android devices. Simply search for your set within the app to access a step-by-step building guide.

LEGO® Builder App

To identify missing pieces, Lego® provides this informative article, and several resources:

  1. The final pages of any physical instruction booklet list the inventory of pieces for that set.
  2. Digital instruction PDFs also have a piece inventory on their last pages. We also maintain our own Parts List based on community data from